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GitHub is where people build software. More than 50 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 100 million projects. Alpha Vantage customer support. Get your free API key today with lifetime access. Alpha Vantage offers free JSON APIs for realtime and historical stock and equity data with over 50 technical indicators. Supports intraday, daily, weekly, and monthly stock quotes and technical analysis with charting-ready time series. 100% free with unlimited API calls. Alpha Vantage实时和历史股票数据. Barchart OnDemand股票,期货和外汇市场数据. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau金融服务消费者投诉数据. Financial Modeling Prep股票信息和数据. IEX股票和市场数据. IGSpreadbetting和CFD市场数据. Plaid连接用户的银行帐户并访问交易数据 The Alpha Vantage Excel and Google Sheet Add-ons are currently in beta stage because we wanted to make them available to our users (i.e., you!) as soon as possible. While every effort has been made to ensure the quality of the software, certain edge cases might still have escaped our attention and there may be small changes to the interfaces 从在线API提取股票价格并使用带有TensorFlow.js框架的递归神经网络和长期短期记忆(LSTM)进行预测 如今,机器学习正变得越来越流行,世界上越来越多的人将其视为一个神奇的水晶球:预测未来何时以及将发生什么。 Alpha Vantage offers two tiers of the API key, one free and one paid for. If you are using the free version you will be limited to five queries per minute. This means that you’ll likely only be able to have one or two ticker entries. Alpha Vantage endpoint function. params¶ Parameters to use in API calls. read ¶ Read data from connector. url¶ API URL. class pandas_datareader.av.quotes.AVQuotesReader (symbols=None, retry_count=3, pause=0.1, session=None, api_key=None) ¶ Returns DataFrame of Alpha Vantage Realtime Stock quotes for a symbol or list of symbols.